How do I create a Flexi assessment? (AC and VC)
Flexi assessments are now available for the Australian and Victorian Curriculums. This function enables you to create your own single-strand and multi-strand assessments from existing content.
Creating a Flexi assessment
In your class, click Manage Class Assessments and select Flexi.
Use the + icon to get started.
From here, click Create New Flexi Assessment.
Add a name for the assessment in the top bar. You can choose the subject, range, strand(s) and level. Once you are happy with your chosen options, click Create Flexi Assessment.
You're only able to add a maximum of three levels per flexi-assessment.
Click the + icon next to the indicators you would like to include. Once selected, they will appear on the right-hand side for you to review. Press the - icon to remove them if required.
Selecting the magnifying glass icon on the indicator will allow you to preview a question from the indicator.
The number of questions in the top right corner will also fluctuate as you add/remove indicators.
Select Save to create the assessment to your school bank.
Adding a Flexi assessment to a class
Once a Flexi assessment has been created, it will appear in the school bank in Manage Class Assessments.
The school bank contains all flexi-assessments at your school and as more flexi-assessments are created, it will become filterable by level and topic area. You can use the magnifying glass icon to preview the flexi assessment and the + icon to add it your class's Manage Class Assessments menu.
Once the assessment is added to your class, it functions the same as other assessments in your class.
We have a guide here on how to set pre-assessments.
Editing and deleting Flexi assessments
You can use the pencil icon in the top right next to the + icon to remove Flexi assessments from Manage Class Assessments in your class.
From the school bank, you can also edit the flexi assessment using the pencil icon or delete it completely from your school using the trash can icon.
Once a flexi assessment has data attached to it from students, you cannot edit or delete it.
Utilising Flexi assessments in the classroom
We have a seperate guide here on the benefits of Flexi assessments and how to incorporate them into your classroom schedule.