Managing subscriptions on Essential Assessment

Your subscription impacts the kind of content your school has access to, as well as then number of students that can be enrolled onto the platform.

In this article

Types of subscription

There are 3 types of subscription on Essential Assessment.

Numeracy Summative & Formative Assessment Bundle:

  • Includes access to Numeracy Summative, Numeracy Formative, My Numeracy and our two learning apps: Sunset Maths and JetPack Algebra.

Literacy Summative & Formative Assessment Bundle:

  • Includes access to Literacy Summative, Literacy Formative, My Literacy and our learning app My Spelling.

Numeracy & Literacy Bundle

  • Includes full access to all of the above Essential Assessment Numeracy & Literacy products. 

All subscriptions are annual and on a per-student basis. 

How can I see what my school has subscribed to?

You can see how many students are enrolled at your school once logged into your account. Click onto Online Assessment to load your classes page, and then select the Cog.

The products that your school has available appear listed with an ACTIVE sign next to them.

Below this, you can see the number of students on your school's EA as well as the subscription expiry date.

Students purchased refers to the number of spots you currently have available, whereas Student enrolment refers to how many of those spots have been taken up by student accounts.

How can I add students to my school's subscription?

If you reach your cap and wish to add more students to your subscription, please email our friendly team at They will arrange for the additional students to be added to your account, and for an invoice to be emailed to you.

The platform will only let you add students up to the number you have been invoiced for.

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