How do I experience Essential Assessment from the student's perspective?
Viewing Essential Assessment from your students' point of view is a useful way to double-check your class settings are enabled as intended. You can also demonstrate to your students what they'll see when they log in.
In this article:
- Setting up what you would like to see
- Accessing the Student Portal for Assessments
- Viewing My Numeracy, My Literacy and Learning Apps
Setting up what you would like to see
Before accessing the student portal, it's important to make sure everything is set correctly. Click into your chosen class and select Manage Class Assessments. Check which Assessments are in the SET position.
We recommend only turning on one assessment at a time for your students. UNSET any assessments you do not want the students to have access to.
It's then worth checking Assessment Options. Make sure that Assessment IS ON and adjust the other options accordingly.
If you would like to test Learning Apps, any in the ON position will appear in the Student Portal view.
Accessing the Student Portal for Assessments
After ensuring the class settings are as intended, click on Student Login Details dropdown and select Experience Student Portal.
Click on the topic name of the Assessment you have set ( e.g Measurement and Geometry)
Any assessments that have been set will appear.
From here, you can sample the Pre-Assessment from a student's perspective.
You can only model a Pre-assessment in the student portal.
The assessment can be modelled from start to finish, including features such as the sketchpad and calculator.
Viewing My Numeracy, My Literacy and Learning Apps
From the start page, you can also select My Numeracy or My Literacy. Click on the gaming controller to demonstrate where to access Learning Apps.
This is for demonstration rather than functional use. My Numeracy, My Literacy, and Learning Apps are unable to be generated in the Student Experience Portal.