How can I adjust individual student results?

If you receive a result from a student you feel does not reflect the student’s ability, you can adjust the student's assessment results. This requires a conference with the student to confirm the level of understanding the student has.

First, click into the class with the student you would like to change answers for.

Click on the student's name.

From here, click REVIEW.

Click on Assessment Details to view the overall assessment.

Here, you will be able to see an overview of the assessment. Correct answers will be highlighted in green, and incorrect answers will be highlighted in red. If you enabled the I Don't Know Yet function and students used this, the box will have no colour, and the question number will be underlined. If you enable the Sketch Pad and a student uses it, there will be a small picture icon under the question number. You're able to see what they did on Sketch Pad, which will provide you with further evidence of the student's understanding.

With this, you are able to have a discussion with your student. You can turn on Teaching Mode, which will hide the student's answers while you have your discussion.

If you have evidence that the student was able to answer the question, you can switch Teaching Mode off and adjust their results by clicking Incorrect to Correct or vice versa.

You will be unable to override answers for questions when the student has selected I Don't Know yet.

Answers that have been adjusted will have a pen icon below the question number.

We would recommend adding a note under ASSESSMENT NOTES tab as a dated learning adjustment.

This note will appear in the student's report when exported.

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