Using Dynamic with your assessments

In this article

What is the Dynamic function?

The Dynamic function enables students to be dynamically shifted whilst undertaking their assessment depending on the understanding the student is demonstrating within the assessment. The assessment range will then cater to students operating below or above this range by shifting as the assessment is completed. This allows students to operate at a level below or above the selected range.

The assessment shows the next level of content locked in the assessment for the next level of content. Once the student completes the first set of questions, this will unlock the next level of content within the assessment.

This function will save time as you will not need to pre-assess a student again who is operating outside the selected assessment range. This will then allow the student to demonstrate maximum growth during the post-assessment.

Please still use your teaching judgement and knowledge of each student and adjust the range for the student before they start the assessment. The Dynamic will only adjust down once and will continue to adjust up. If you know the student is capable, move the range up for their pre-assessment so that they don't get overwhelmed with too many questions and multiple adjustments.

Below is a visual table on how the adjustments happen when the Dynamic function is enabled:

We would recommend that you turn off Dynamic after using it for the pre-assessment. This will allow you to compare the same data sets for the pre-assessment and the post-assessment. The post-assessment will adjust accordingly once the student submits their pre-assessment.

Please note that for the NSW Syllabus, students are only able to go up one stage.

Enabling Dynamic

To turn on Dynamic, click into the class, click Assessment Options and switch the Dynamic toggle to IS ON.

Click on a student profile to see the range allocated for the assessment. If there is a blue dot, the Dynamic has been enabled. If the blue dot has an arrow on the top, this indicates the student has been adjusted up. If the blue dot has an arrow on the bottom, this indicates the student has been adjusted down.

The Dynamic cannot adjust above what is available for the curriculum/syllabus within each assessment. For example, if the highest range available is stage 3 or level 6, students will be unable to move higher than this as there is no content available.

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